Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V
and System Center
Después de completar este curso, los estudiantes serán capaces de:
Dirigido a
Este curso está dirigido a profesionales de TI que son responsables de diseñar, implementar, administrar y mantener una infraestructura de virtualización o están interesados en formarse en las tecnologías actuales de Virtualización de Microsoft. También está orientado a los responsables de la toma de decisiones de TI que determinarán qué producto de virtualización implementar en sus centros de datos.
Este curso es el oficial recomendado por Microsoft para prepararse para el examen de certificación de Microsoft:
74-409: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center
Grupo Academia Postal es centro de certificación autorizado de Pearson VUE, por lo que los alumnos pueden realizar el examen de Microsoft en nuestras instalaciones.
40 horas presenciales, con contenido teórico y práctico.
Module 1: Evaluating the Environment for Virtualization- Overview of Microsoft Virtualization
- Overview of System Center 2012 R2 Components
- Evaluating Current Environment for Virtualization
- Extending Virtualization to the Cloud Environment
- Lab: Evaluating the Environment for Virtualization
- Installing the Hyper-V Role
- Managing Hyper-V
- Configuring Hyper-V Settings
- Hyper-V Host Storage and Networking
- Lab: Installing and Configuring the Hyper-V Role
- Creating and Configuring Virtual Hard Disks & Virtual Machines
- Installing and Importing Virtual Machines
- Managing Virtual Machine Checkpoints
- Monitoring Hyper-V
- Designing Virtual Machines for Server Roles and Services
- Lab: Creating and Managing Virtual Hard Disks and Virtual Machines
- Lab: Creating and Managing Checkpoints and Monitoring Hyper-V
- Creating and Using Hyper-V Virtual Switches
- Advanced Hyper-V Networking Features
- Configuring and Using Hyper-V Network Virtualization
- Lab: Creating and Using Hyper-V Virtual Switches
- Lab: Creating and Using Advanced Virtual Switch Features
- Lab: Configuring and Testing Hyper-V Network Virtualization
- Providing High Availability and Redundancy for Virtualization
- Implementing Virtual Machine Movement
- Implementing and Managing Hyper-V Replica
- Lab: Moving Virtual Machine and Configuring Constrained Delegation
- Lab: Configuring and Using Hyper-V Replica
- Overview of Failover Clustering
- Configuring and Using Shared Storage
- Implementing and Managing Failover Clustering with Hyper-V
- Lab : Implementing Failover Clustering with Hyper-V
- Integrating System Center and Server Virtualization
- Overview of VMM
- Installing VMM
- Adding Hosts and Managing Host Groups
- Lab: Installing and Configuring System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- Managing Networking Infrastructure
- Managing Storage Infrastructure
- Managing Infrastructure Updates
- Lab: Network Infrastructure Management
- Lab: Managing Infrastructure Storage
- Lab: Infrastructure Updates Management
- Virtual Machine Management Tasks in VMM
- Creating, Cloning, and Converting Virtual Machines
- Overview of Virtual Machine Updating
- Lab: Creating and Managing Virtual Machines by Using System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- Overview of the Virtual Machine Manager Library
- Working With Profiles and Templates
- Lab: Configuring and Managing the Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine
- Manager Library and Library Objects
- Introduction to Clouds
- Creating and Managing a Cloud
- Working With User Roles in Virtual Machine Manager
- Lab : Managing Clouds in Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
- Understanding Services in VMM
- Creating and Managing Services in VMM
- Using App Controller
- Lab : Managing Services in System Center 2012 R2 VMM and App Controller
- Overview of Backup and Restore Options for Virtual Machines
- Protecting Virtualization Infrastructure by Using DPM
- Using Operations Manager for Monitoring and Reporting
- Integrating VMM with Operations Manager
- Lab : Monitoring and Reporting Virtualization Infrastructure